Sri Dalada Maligawa (Temple of the Sacred Tooth) is a Buddhist temple in the city of Kandy, Sri Lanka. The temple was founded in 1595, which houses a tooth relic of the Buddha.
After going through the main gate, you will be greeted by a huge Bodhi tree. This tree is regarded as sacred by many Buddhists and is worshipped by many visitors.
There are four Hindu temples, it is said that these four temples were built to protect the tooth of the Buddha.
Sri Dalada Maligawa is located in the royal palace complex of the former Kingdom of Kandy. The building is in the shape of an octagon, the structure is ingenious, it is enclosed by moat and white wall, and looks like a castle.
Sri Dalada Maligawa is a national treasure of Sri Lanka, and has encountered several terror attacks before. Therefore, all visitors must undergo security check before admission.
The interior design of Sri Dalada Maligawa is quite complicated, there are many rooms with various functions. The most important room is the main hall, its ceiling is full of majestic paintings and splendorous decoration.
Bhikkhus (monks) conduct daily worship in the inner chamber of the temple. Rituals are performed three times daily: at dawn, at noon and in the evenings.
Please note that Sri Dalada Maligawa is a sacred Buddhist place; therefore, shorts and sleeveless clothes are not allowed.