Category: GuangDong

China, Asia, GuangDong, Northeast Asia, Play

Lianzhou underground river

Lianzhou Underground River (Chinese: 連州地下河) is a typical subtropical karst cave in Lianzhou (連州), Guangdong (廣東), China. Since the cave mouth of Lianzhou Underground River is so big, it is also nicknamed ‘Big mouth cave’.

China, Asia, GuangDong, Northeast Asia, Jiangxi, Play

The spring of Mei Pass

Mei Pass (Chinese: 梅關; literally 'Plum Pass') is a strategic site around 30 kilometres north of Nanxiong (南雄) in Guangdong (廣東), China. It is situated in the Meiling Mountains (梅嶺) and forms the boundary between the provinces of Jiangxi (江西) and Guangdong.

China, Asia, GuangDong, Northeast Asia, Play

Green shade of Nan Wai

Nan Wai Old Village (Chinese: 南圍古村) is located at Heyuan (河源) prefecture of Guangdong (廣東) province in China. Nan Wai Old Village preserves over 30 old Hakka buildings, the largest number in Heyuan. The majority of the people in Heyuan are Hakka, so Heyuan is deemed to be ‘the origin of Hakka’.

China, Asia, GuangDong, Play

Time travel in Chikan

Chikan (Chinese: 赤坎) is a town in Kaiping (Chinese: 開平), Guangdong Province, China. In the early 20th century, overseas Chinese built a lot of buildings which mixed with the architectural styles of both western and Chinese in Chikan, and made the town become a popular tourist destination.

China, Asia, GuangDong, Northeast Asia, Play

Courtyard of flying bullets

Mei’s Grand Courtyard (Chinese:梅家大院) is located at Taishan (Chinese:台山) of Guangdong Province (Chinese:廣東), China. The courtyard was founded by overseas Chinese in 1931, and it was one of the shooting locations of Chinese movie ‘Let the bullets fly (Chinese:讓子彈飛)’ turning it into a popular tourist destination.
