Shuidonggou (Chinese: 水洞溝) is located in Linhe (臨河) Town, Lingwu (靈武) City, Ningxia (寧夏) Region, China. Shuidonggou is a big place, with a view to enjoying the beautiful scenery here, tourists can ride on different kinds of transport.
Although Shuidonggou is in the middle of a desert, there is still a big lake, tourists can take a sightseeing boat for a short cruise.
To go through the Reed Catkins Valley (蘆花谷) in Shuidonggou, you can take horse carriages instead of walking.
However, the horses are not so obedient, they stop walking in the middle of the road, Choumeizai needs to walk by himself.
Camel carriages are almost the same as horse carriages, the only difference is, the carriages are drawn by camels.
The camels are much bigger than the horses, but they are quite shy and walk very funny.
Besides animals drawn carriages, tourists can also ride on tractors, the tour guide says that the tractors were the main transport used by the local farmers, and looks so ‘communist’.