Dangling(黨嶺) is an area of Danba county of Garzê Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, its ecosystem is still well-preserved as its original state, you can find many precious animals or plants here, which have already been extinct in other places.
Dangling is deep inside the mountains, which makes it extremely difficult to get there, from the county seat of Danba, you need to take an off-road vehicle on rugged mountain road, the travel time is more than 3hours.
Dangling is not big, but the scenery is natural and magnificent, the aboriginals there are still friendly and naive, not polluted by this teeming world, still has its own charm and attraction.
The cattle are free to go anywhere in Dangling, so cow dungs are everywhere, but most cow dungs are covered with little flowers, which makes the ordinary grassland brilliant and colorful, beauty and ugliness are not enemies, but symbiosis.
Choumeizai believes, all Tibetan villages in Sichuan look the same as Dangling before being developed, pure and clean.