Kathakali (Malayalam: കഥകളി) is a major form of classical Indian dance in Kerala of India. Kathakali means ‘story play’ in Malayalam, it is distinguished by the elaborately colorful make-up, costumes and face masks that the traditionally male actor-dancers wear.
Before the performance starts, the actor will demonstrate facial painting, all cosmetics are made of natural ingredients such as minerals and coconut oil.
On the left of the stage is the foreman cum narrator, who is responsible for beating drums and explanation. The artist in the middle demonstrates several common facial expressions such as anger and fear.
The artist then demonstrates other prototypes such as beautiful woman, warrior, fisherman and even animal.
The performance starts after demonstrations, besides the colorful facial painting, Kathakali is also famed for its elaborate costumes.
The traditional themes of the Kathakalī are folk mythologies, religious legends and spiritual ideas from the Hindu epics and the Puranas. Nowadays, some Kathakali troupes even adapt Western stories and plays such as those by Shakespeare.
Although Choumeizai does not understand the content of the songs, he still gives the artists a big hand due to their excellent performance. After the show, you can take photos with the artists.