Category: Jiangxi

China, Asia, Northeast Asia, Jiangxi, Hunan, Play

Monkey foothold of Mangshan

Mangshan (Chinese: 莽山) is located in the south of Chenzhou (郴州) Hunan (湖南), China. Mangshan still preserves around 6,000 square kilometers of forest, if you want to enjoy the purity of Mangshan’s forest, Monkey Foothold (猴王寨) is an ideal location.

China, Asia, GuangDong, Northeast Asia, Jiangxi, Play

The spring of Mei Pass

Mei Pass (Chinese: 梅關; literally 'Plum Pass') is a strategic site around 30 kilometres north of Nanxiong (南雄) in Guangdong (廣東), China. It is situated in the Meiling Mountains (梅嶺) and forms the boundary between the provinces of Jiangxi (江西) and Guangdong.

China, Asia, Northeast Asia, Jiangxi, Play

Charm of Hakka Wine Castle

Yuzitanwei (Chinese: 漁仔潭圍) is located in Ganzhou (赣州), the south of Jiangxi Province (江西), China. It was built in around 1760 and is over 200 years old. Since Yuzitanwei has been making wine long time ago, it is also called ‘Hakka Wine Castle’ (客家酒堡).

China, Asia, Northeast Asia, Jiangxi

A stronghold named Yanyiwei

Yanyiwei (Chinese: 燕翼圍) is located at Ganzhou (贛州) prefecture of Jiangxi province (江西), China. The construction of Yanyiwei started in 1650 and finished in 1677, it has over 300 years old, looks like a big stronghold.
