Day: 2020-04-23

China, Asia, Northeast Asia, Shaanxi

Hukou Waterfall: Yellow Splash

Hukou Waterfall(Chinese: 壺口瀑布) is located at the borders of Shanxi and Shaanxi, hen the Yellow River approaches the Hukou Mountain, its width is abruptly narrowed down. The water's velocity increases, and then plunges over a cliff as if water were pouring down from a huge teapot. Hence it gets the name Hukou (literally, ‘flask mouth’) Waterfall.

China, Asia, Northeast Asia, Play, Shaanxi

Hukou Waterfall: Frozen Yellow River

Hukou Waterfall (Chinese: 壺口瀑布) is the largest waterfall on the Yellow River(Chinese: 黃河), it is also the second largest waterfall in China and has a height of over 20 metres, looks incredibly splendid. Choumeizai had visited Hukou Waterfall in winter, the waterfall was still breathtaking.
